Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why Can't We Just Rewind ?

No sleeping at night, but im going from bar to bar .

Sangat addicting kay lagu tu .

Ohoh, Mike Tompkins dah ada lagu baru :D
The Electric Company and Mike Tompkins.
The Electric Company is a show at us i think :o Maybe orang malaysia tak tahu pasal cerita tu xD

And today i replayed lagu Paramore - Emergency 28 times. Lololo ~
Eventually today all i do is hear songs.

If i have the guts, i will do it before you go.

Semalam my eye was red tau, then i stared at Diana, Nurin, Qama, Sabrina and Tiaa. Cause i cool like that.
Then that night Tiaa said mata dia merah . Sorry Tiaa xD

2010, the best year i can ever wish for. :)

Okay tak tahu nak blog pasal apa ._.
Sorry, hihi byebye ~

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hey Orang Gilak :D

I don't mind a long distanced relationship, as long as I know that you're still mine .

Hello friends from around the Malaysia :)

Okay, so I didn't went to koko yesterday. To tired. Pergi Kuala Pilah pukul 3 petang, sampai rumah pukul 12. Terbonyok :D Then tunggu my sister balik, sambil tu buat homework and tngk bola, woo Liverpool menang :')
Then dia smpai pukul berapa tah. Pukul 2 pagi exercise. Sumpah best. 15 minutes. Pastu berpeluh mcm orang gila. xD

So today ada latihan sukan. Sumpah malas nk pergi. Well, tak payah pergi lah . Sekolah ni agak gila doh. Isnin ada koko, Selasa ada latihan rumah sukan for Earth and Jupiter, Rabu ada koko lagi for unit berunitform, then Khamis ada latihan rumah sukan for Mars and Mercury. Memang aku tk penat doh. Tiga hari koko memanjang -.- Ada sangat masa nak buat homework .

Yeay, shooting buat hari Rabu ni. Weeee ~ Finally nak start . Hihi.


Okay enough about her. I did my homework just now. Woot woot.
So now masa agama dah tak sama with Alpha :( Agak sunyi doh.

And on the last day of holiday, most of the asrama students were depressed to go back :p I guess its because of the packing ? Lololo.

Ariesha, best doh text ngan batu, batu pun reply. Smile like a retard :D
Okay sumpah bosan. Nak tido lah. Byebye :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Once In A Life Time

Heyheyhey ~

So today i went to Sp.  I went there to celebrate Qama's and Bella's birthday :B
The first thing we did when we came there was karaoke . Hahaha, kt RedBox .
Then went to watch Khurafat. I didn't even looked at the screen xD
Then after hours at sp i went home. So here i am online-ing. 

So yeah, i asked Adlina if shes going to asrama and she said yes.  Haaaih, you don't know how much im gonna miss her after this. Well, i am proud of you ;) Take care tau kat sana nnt . I was thinking to give you something this monday, but like malu. So yeah, nevermind . I only knew you for a few months,  well you made those months really awesome, especially January (: Thank you, and yeah, i love you ~ 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ignorance is your new bestfriend .

Hey there :D

Sorry sebab dah lama tk blog :p Im not so good in bloging xD

Story ? Okay, saya setori :}

29 Jan 2011 -
A very very awesome day. I got to meet Aripp, Adlan, Mars and Zarith again :'D They were there because it was Hari Anugerah. Wooo. I was talking to Sab then suddenly Mars came out of nowhere and hugged me. Random punya budak -.- :) I just knew that Sarfina went to KYS. Haha, aku tahu aku lame ._.

Then most of us went to 23 43 ( Tutti Frutti ) . Since i don't really like 23 43 me, Shuk, Adlan, Fayyadh and some others went to Domino's. Hahaha, semua kena share duit sbb tk '' cukup '' . After eating there, i sent alya home. On the way there, i saw Qama. After sending alya, me and Qama went to D' Bayu again to buy a birthday present for Fatima . Guess what we bought ? A candle that is a letter F xD Then we bought some other stuffs to. Qama went to 7E to buy some Maggi since she was hugry. Then i went round and round at bayu with Fayyadh's scooter. Best doh naik scooter kau o.o Lepas puas main scooter jumpa fero and adlina :) After Qama finished eating, me and fero walked together . Since dia jiran Qama and i was heading to Qama's house.

Then at 2 55 pm me and qama got ready for Fatima's birthday party. Before going there, we made some pit stops . We went to Diana's house to pick her up, then went to mine cause i wanted to take some cloths . Then finally we reached our destination . At her house me and the other guess went to the swimming pool. After an hour of swimming we changed our cloths then went downstairs for karaoke ~ Dah lah aku ni suka menyanyi :p Then after most of them went home we played Truth or Dare. Haha, at around 6 35 like that Qama's dad came and we all went home. I thanked her father then got kicked out the care . Hehe.

Okay cerita untuk hari tu je dah panjang . xD

Okay, hari ni punya cerita pulak :D

2nd Febuary 2011 -
I woke up at 9 45 am hoping to go to Bayu today, but i got no transport so like, nevermoooind. Went downstairs for breakfast. Watched some Naruto Shippuden anime then went back up to go online. Today is quite boring. So now i am currently chatting with Alya, Ain and Adlan. Hihihi, i planned to go to sleep actually, but i was lazy . Instead i used the laptop and played games. Weee ~

Tonight's plan -
Mari join saya Ariesha dan Ain :D

Okay gtg ada orang call, byebye (: