Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Friend Cameo.

Hello ~ Me, Alya and Ain are chatting together, I am singing so loud until they opened their earphones :p

Hahaha, we bnyk merepek at that convo xD
They are so awesome :')
Ain said my voice like kambing, i just know dia jealous.
Alya begged me to stop singing 8D But buat bdoh je (Y)

I got some pictures (:

Here they aree :

We are so comel, lol jk jk xD

Ain go rempitz, comel je o.o okay actually, disgusting xD

Haha, bajet pakai ray ban -.-

Okayy, gmbar tk bnyk O: Hihi, i had a lot of fun with you guys (: 
Saaaaaayng korang 

Btw, as you can see, nama Ain semua pink. :P
Why ? sbb dia suka pink xD

Okay, gtg nk mandi, byeee :D

Monday, December 27, 2010

Im bored. Okay, today i woke up at 8 30 a.m Very awal. I feel very sleepy D: But mls nk tdo.

Im going to Mars house this afternoon :} Yeay :D

I wanna make you feel like your the only girl in the world, lolololo.

Im just gonna list my beties here, the reason why i blogged ;p

- Aripp Danial Asri
- Marsya Shamsul
- Alya Liyana Mahadi
- Ain Ashraf Rizwal
- Zarith Sofiya Azlan
- Luqman DMK
- Iman Sofeashaheera Azmi 

Hihi, lol, yeah, tujuh je (:

Kamu bertujuh yg sangat awesome,  saya kamu kamu semua :o Hihih xD

They rock like yeah :') Glad to meet you guys, <3


Falling Into A Hole.

Hello :D

Im so bored. I couldn't sleep last night. :| I need, Aripp, Mars and Alya right now.
Ain isn't paying attention, lol. -.-

Oh yeahhh, Fero came online out of no where today (Y)

I am currently listening to Yuna's  Song :B
She is pretty and she has a really nice voice  ~
Her songs agak jiwang, but the songs express my feelings o.o

Lol, tk de mood pulak nk blog. Bye.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

No Title.

So I just came back from Thailand a few hours ago, not many people realize that I was gone. Lol.

Im currently watching Youtube, hehe. Mike Tompkins ~
Mike Tompkins - Only Girl
It was published around a few weeks ago, I think. Awesome gila :')

Hm, the Orentasi for SMKBJ is in a few days.
It's gonna be boring in there i think.

Mars is going to Seri Puteri D:
Who's gonna hear me bebel about HER ? She's the only who understands my feeling about HER, and we share so many secrets together :} The awesome bestie xD
We do argue sometime about Hayley being even more awesome than Justin Bieber ;P
The times we go lepak together is always gonna be fun (:

Okay, Iman Sofea ? Haha, A Friend Who Can Always Be Trusted xD
Shes very pretty, but tk nk admit. Lantak you lah Iman. Lol.

So dang bored.
Im glad im home.

I feeling very lonely, mcm tk de kawan :/

Today, I mean yesterday was Christmas, hoho ~ So many sales (:
2010 is going to be over soon, 2010 :- Just another year with full of sweet and bitter memories. 
2011 :- Please be okay with me.

Oh yeah, 1st Jan, Luqman DMK pnya birthday x)
 Happy Early 12th Birthday brotah :D I wish i got you a present :| Oh well.

Who needs TV when you already have all the drama here at Facebook ? xD

Im so lifeless, hihi ~

Nk tdo lah -.- Bye (: Night people, sweet dreams. Lohol.
* Ada ke org baca blog ni ? O.o  *

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The weird feeling o:

It's been a while since i blogged huh. Huhu ~

Oh yeah, this is a very weird and awkward week.
I feel like im losing almost all of my friends, im not sure why.
Im starting to have the feeling that 2011 is going to be a looooong year.
This year is very dramatic. I LIKE (Y)

Hm, title ?
The other day, i was stalking Zarith Sofiya Azlan. Yes her. After stalking her, my mood just went weird. Then i talked about it to Iman. It was okay. Thank youuuu, Iman (: 

A lot of people are starting to get addicted to eating maggie. Maggie dah maju :}

And a lot of people are having their fight, apa lah masalah korang o.o
I miss school . Holidays are like very boring -.- 

I stalk so many people, imma stalker. I just love to stalk with the upper kids. Drama everyday. I get to know vital information :B  

Everything is just wrong :/ Im quite worried about Zarith, O:  I don't know the story so yeah, fahamfaham je lah. Okay actually saya atas pagar o.o Not sure to vote for who.

Okay srsly, i don't understand my feelings. I feel like i lost someone, but im not sure who :/ I feel so empty for no reasons . Urgh. I think about it, this feeling is annoying. You just suddenly get sad and emo for no reasons -.- Haaa, i wonder if i really do have a real friend. I mean like, i don't think so i have anyone who will be loyal to me. Okay, this is crap :p

Im going to Bangkok this Tuesday ;D Coming back on Saturday, hoyeah. 

I got nothing to do. 
30th December 2010 : Orentasi Tingkatan Satu.
PERGH, im gettingi old -.- 

Pada tahun hadapan, saya dan rakanrakan akan memakai kain yg berwarna Biru Cair. (Y) Hohoho ~

Dang im bored, it's almost four o'clock in the morning. ~

Okay lah, nk stop kt sini, byebye (: